New Device Demo
The TC7X is a rugged device running Windows 10. We created a simple on-device demo for Sales Engineer’s to display capabilities to potential customers.
Simple interactions
Animation was used to give context to the screens and to make the demos a little more interactive. The user can swipe left or right to learn more about the topic, such as information regarding the battery. The button at the bottom of the screen allows them to demo the feature or to move on to the next feature. The user can also jump to a specific feature by using the navigation drawer.
Animation Examples
3-PERSON TEAM - Product Manager, Front-End Dev, & Myself.
MY ROLE - UX Designer, Visual Designer
The Problem
A new device will be featured at a tradeshow and we want to convey features and capabilities. Sales Engineers also need a better way of conveying features of a device and why the customer should purchase it.
The Solution
Created an interactive demo that allows the user to touch and interact with the device and learn about the features in a more hands-on approach.
Just the beginning
This opened doors to working on more device demos and creating better on-boarding experiences for additional devices and workflows